Friday, March 7, 2014

Creating a World for Mommy To Wake Up To

A couple of weeks ago I woke up from a rare afternoon nap to find that Dexy had built a fantastic world for me right outside my bedroom door.

He had also slipped a left-over Valentine's card under my pillow while I was sleeping. On the envelope it read:


"That means to Mom, love Dex," he explained when I found it. Awwwwww. I am a lucky, lucky mommy.

Hand-Me-Down-And-Over Jammies

Ian gave Dexy a couple of pairs of feetsie pj's that his cousin gave to him.  Still pretty huge but Dex loves them!

Quinoa King

The dude loves his quinoa. He calls them little bubbles. We call them little bubbles full o' nutrients!

Auto Show

Ben took Dexy to the Chicago auto show a few weeks ago.  They had a fun time but Dexter wasn't in the mood for being photographed.  Nevertheless, Daddy got a few shots.
 By surprise...
While contained (and not happy about being photographed)...
And while distracted by a shiny object.

Anticipating Spring (on February 16th!)

Dex and I picked up some completely closed daffodils at Trader Joe's. It felt great to watch them spring open one-by-one while there was three feet of snow in the backyard and wind chills in the minus teens.