Friday, September 11, 2009

Snot Bridge

I came home from work yesterday to find Daddy taking pictures of Dexter's "snot bridge". In this picture, Dexter looks like he's stumbling home after waking up in a gutter after a rough night out on the town. If you look closely, you can clearly see the snot bridge from Dexter's nose to his forehead.

This Is Not Right...

A friend posted her dream about us on Ben's Facebook wall (for those of you - like me - who don't know, the cruiser and the gold wing she mentions are motorcycles):

Tuesday night dream... Driving back from Indianapolis on the damn Ryan & see you riding a cruiser ahead of me. With a guitar in a gig bag over your shoulder. Then ahead of YOU is Jiffy riding a Gold Wing with Dexter in a car seat strapped to the bike. I think "this is not right" and wake up.

Jazz Fest

For a link to the video of our friend, Monique, opening Jazz Fest in Chicago with her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, click on the link to the left. She is awesome and we are so proud!