Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lunchbox School Bus

I'm not really sure how it started, but Dexter has been working a riff on "lunchbox school bus" for a couple of months now.

Blue Truck at a Stop Sign

As I was heating up pasta for lunch today, I gave Dexter a handful of cherry tomatoes. I noticed that he had brought his blue truck to the table and was "driving" it around while munching on them. It wasn't until he was engrossed in shoveling pasta into his mouth that I noticed he had left half a tomato on the table and placed the blue truck next to it. When I pointed it out and asked him what it was, he replied, "Blue truck at a stop sign."

Summer School

Last week Dexter also started his next round of Toddlin' Twos. He really enjoys going to "school" and he gets along great with everyone (so far!). On the first day, Dexter was picking up dinosaurs with the teacher when we went to pick him up.


Dexter got his first taste of bowling when Ben and Elissa took him and Ian to Pinstripes last week. Dexter didn't bowl any strikes but he did bowl a couple of spares. Dexter hasn't stopped talking about it since!

Zoo Season

The weather has not been cooperative so far this season but when it's sunny and not 100 degrees outside, we try to make it over to the zoo. Last week, Mommy got to accompany Daddy and Dexter. Dexter rode a gorilla on the carousel, touched a stingray, and groomed a few goats (he was the only child in the petting zoo using two brushes simultaneously).