Sunday, November 10, 2013

Enjoying the Fruits of His Labor

I think eating his candy was the least exciting aspect of Halloween for Dex. He ate some on Halloween night but was less excited than I expected.
The following day he really enjoyed making another "costume" with some Halloween goodies he collected. Centipede on head, funny glasses and nose, fangs, and spooky finger.

Trick-Or-Treating (with Help)

Dex loved trick-or-treating in his ghost costume. He would announce, "Trick or treat! I'm Dexter and I'm a ghost!" at every house. Ben and I had to guide him down the sidewalk (no peripheral vision) and Ben had to carry him up and down the front steps to ring doorbells (tripping on the costume and couldn't see his feet).

Enthusiastic Distributor

I had class until 5pm on Halloween which meant I didn't make it home until about 7pm. Dex didn't mind waiting to go out trick-or-treating - when I got home, he was out on the front porch, enthusiastically handing out candy to trick-or-treaters AND their parents...

and shouting at passing cars to stop for candy.  He wanted to show me how to hand out the candy and when I did, he looked at me and said (beaming with pride), "Great job, Mommy!"

Oh My Monster

Dexter loved practicing this at home with Mommy and Daddy (I can no longer remember the real words to "Clementine"!). He was very adamant that we all do the finger waving at the appropriate time in the song. "When we sing 'don't come near me', you have to put up your pointer finger and make it go left and right and left and right and left and right."

Grand Entrance at the School Halloween Production

Concentrating on Pumpkin Carving

Dex got really into designing and carving the jack-o-lanterns this year:

Dex drew the face onto the pumpkin...
 Daddy carved...
 Dex poked the pieces out.
We each created a jack-o-lanterns. Mine used an earlier design of Dexter's that had a large diamond eye and a small triangle eye, Daddy's was a dog jack-o-lantern, and Dex's had two different shaped eyes, "one like a duck and one like an 8".

Tae Kwon Do Halloween Disadvantage

When the instructor said that the kids should dress up in their costumes for the class Halloween party at Tae Kwon Do, I didn't think they would be doing Tae Kwon Do.  They actually mixed proper Tae Kwon Do moves with some games.

Poor Dex! He could barely see and his movements were thwarted by the fabric covering his whole body! Still, he gave it his all.
 The instructor could not stop laughing because every time Dex fell - and he fell plenty, tripping over his costume - he said in a resigned tone, "[Sigh]. Not again..."
He was a little sweat-ball covered in cloth with his eye holes above his eyebrows by the time class was done.