Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stomp Table

After cupcakes, Dexter was ready to burn off some sugar-energy and found a table in the corner that he started walking and dancing on. Ian came over and then the two of them played/stomped on the table. After the party, we went out to Sweet Tomatoes with Ian and his family and Dexter said, "Maybe tomorrow we can come back and play on the table again." Elissa said, "Maybe they'd let us do that for free!"

Tiny Bubbles

Dexy was so curious about the big machine that made tiny paint bubbles. He made a lovely paint bubble painting.

Making a Mess(terpiece)

 Ian had his 5th birthday party at "Make-a-Messterpiece". It was awesome! They supplied the kids with smocks and paints and paintbrushes and they all got to paint their own picture frame. 
Dexter got really into it! He was thoughtful about the colors he wanted to use and he put the paintbrushes back in the correct color paint.
 Had they stopped the activity when Dexter announced he was done, he would have had a multi-colored picture frame.  However, since no one stopped him, he kept going until the whole thing was a lovely shade of green-ish.

Christmas Village with Kim and Dylan

 I would probably have never taken Dexter down to Daley Plaza for Christmas Village but Kim and Dylan were in town for the weekend and wanted to meet us there.  Despite the rain, we had a great time hanging out with Kim and Dylan and Kim's friend, Nora.
Dexter drank out of Santa's boot in the warming tent. A woman asked me if he was drinking wine out of the boot - NO! It was grape juice!
Dexter and I went to Santa's house where Mrs. Claus kept trying to get Dexter's hair to lay down properly for his photo with Santa. It didn't work but the two of them had fun trying to tame that head of hair.
 Dexy was really excited to see Santa's toy factory - he almost didn't make it to see Santa because he was so preoccupied with cranking the conveyor belt to move the toys along.
Dexy also got a picture with Santa (and he got to tell Santa in person about the puppy dream light this time).

Dressing for the Weather

Dexter and I met Kim and Dylan and Kim's friend at Christmas Village in downtown Chicago on a rainy December Saturday. Dexter wisely chose to wear his rain boots.

Happy Birthday, Mom?

Dexter is getting the hang of writing his own name.  He's got a bit more practice to do with other words, like "Mom".


Dexter got a comfy bathrobe from my parents for his birthday. He loves taking a bath so he can wear his new bathrobe afterwards.  Now, if we could just get him to wear slippers...

What To Do With Railroad City?

Railroad City has evolved over the years to include any and all "things that go" and a range of "building materials" including tracks, blocks, lincoln logs, musical instruments, cardboard boxes, and prefab buildings.  It is Dexter's creative outlet where he can build a world and direct the interactions of its inhabitants.  Sometimes it makes me think that this is what I sounded like playing with my dollhouse as a kid (nice that boys' pretend worlds extends beyond the home). But Railroad City is continually creeping out of its designated corner. And, now, its designated corner is going to be temporarily given over to the Christmas tree. I have a feeling that we will all be living in Railroad City through the new year.

Holiday Spirit

Dexter and his classmates got into the holiday spirit, putting on a fabulous holiday party at school. I was sorry to miss the excitement. Apparently, Dexter asked Santa for a train - he started crying genuine tears that evening and told me that he forgot to tell Santa that he really wanted a puppy dream light for Christmas.  I explained that he didn't need to worry, that we would let Santa know. This suggestion was not specific enough to satisfy him. So I said that he could write a letter to Santa explaining about the dream light. This was not immediate enough. Only when Daddy said that he would have a personal meeting with Santa tomorrow was Dexter able to calm himself down and go to sleep.

My Bologna Unfazed

Nothing fazes My Bologna anymore..

Fit Throwing