Sunday, June 8, 2014

Coloring Inside the Lines

For most of his young life Dexter has not been interested in coloring inside the lines. We have hundreds of his coloring creations that are simply a monochromatic wash of a single color across the whole page.

However, in the past few months Dex has really gotten into coloring what he calls "beautiful" pictures - that is, using multiple colors and trying to stay within the lines. He gets very focused when he's coloring now.

3D Bedtime Reading?

I was surprised when I walked by Dex's bedroom and saw him wearing his 3D glasses to read books before bed. Ben had chosen the 3D animal book.

I would not have selected such an exciting activity immediately before bed but Ben was in charge of getting Dexy down that night so I didn't worry about it. The two of them were having a grand old time jumping back from lunging wild animals.