Saturday, February 9, 2013

Building Big Buildings

This week Dexter excitedly told me that he built a BIG building at school. He said he took a big cardboard box and turned it upside down so he could put blocks on top of it and they wouldn't "fall in". He seemed to be really into the building thing so we separated his wooden blocks from his train tracks into their own basket.
He has been happily building "big buildings for New York City" ever since. I've explained to him that he could also build big buildings for Chicago but he insists that his creations are New York City buildings.

Yes and D

This afternoon I went into our bedroom and heard My Bologna breathing on the bed in the dark.  I said, "Is that My Bologna on my bed?" and when I turned on the light, I said, "Yes, indeed!" Dexter came into the room and said, "Is that My Bologna on your bed? Yes and D!"

Committed to Taekwondo

After the four free lessons, we decided that Dexter enjoyed Taekwondo enough and was getting enough out of the class to sign him up for regular lessons twice a week.

 He enjoyed getting his uniform but insists on wearing it over his clothes.

He's still the youngest and smallest in the class but he tries to keep up and is getting better at listening and controlling his little four year-old body.

Usually one of the older and more experienced students is charged with giving him a little extra attention.