Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy 40th!

Our friend Madoka is making an independent film this winter titled "Happy 40th!" As a backer of the film, Dexy received a promotional cap from Madoka in the mail. She scouted a location in Maine for a winter scene so we're all hoping for a beautiful blanket of snow for filming.

Too Much Bucket

Dexter used one of the buckets that Elissa picked up for him to carry in cherry tomatoes he picked from the backyard garden. He chose the green bucket because, "Green is my favorite color!" Even though we had more tomatoes than we could carry in by hand, it was a little too much bucket for the job.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Validation of Parenting Skills

When we took Dex to the dentist a few weeks ago for his 6-month check up, we got the good news that his teeth were doing great - no cavities!  We also got a fantastic report from the dental assistant about his behavior during the check up - he was very cooperative and polite. "Great job with his brushing and flossing - keep it up!" she said to us. Initially I felt very pleased with myself and was all puffed up with pride about our excellent tooth-brushing abilities. Here was some kind of objective "measure" of our parenting skills! But some of this has to do with Dexy's teeth and not our brushing and flossing habits, right? Some kids have the kinds of teeth or environmental factors that make them susceptible to cavities (in fact, Dex has "deep ridges" in his "downstairs" teeth so we need to be very intentional about getting those clean). The more I thought about it, the more proud I felt about Dexter's good behavior during the check up than his no cavities. That was the real validation of our parenting skills. Dexy was a little anxious and hesitant about going to the dentist but we were able to calm those fears and he was able to handle himself wonderfully.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

You're Out!

Dex catching a fly ball at Cellular Field!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Very First Baseball Game!

A couple of weeks ago I said to Ben, "We really should try to get Dex to a baseball game this summer." Three days later, I got an email from CC saying she had extra tickets for Monday night's White Sox game!  Dex loves CC so he was thrilled to see her. He sat next to her "all the way at the top".
CC taught Dex about all aspects of the game and he told her a lot of his jokes.
Dex enjoyed looking at details on the stadium (speakers, lights, scoreboards, the thingies that measure the speed and trajectories of the pitches).
Every now and again, he would get engrossed in the action on the field but after three innings, Dex turned to me and said, "I'm done with this now." We convinced him to stay for one more White Sox at-bat.

When we saw Dexy putting his head in the popcorn bucket, we knew it was time to go.
Thanks for a wonderful summer baseball evening, CC. And thanks for being part of Dexter's memories of his first ever baseball game.

New Do

For the past few months I have been suggesting to Dex that he let me trim his hair but he kept refusing. The other day when I suggested it, he agreed. Ben and I think he looks adorable (he still has a mop on top!) and he loves it.

Too Buckety

The other evening I got an excited call from Elissa. "I'm at Michael's and they have buckets on sale for 50 cents each! Do you want any for Dexter?" I asked her to get him four and then put Dexy on the phone to tell her which colors he would like. When I saw the stack of buckets waiting for me in her office the other day, it reminded me of a library book we read to Dex a couple of months ago about a little boy who just wants a bucket for his birthday. When his parents take him to a bucket store, he decides he must have a specific one on the very top of a tall shelf. He refuses his parents' suggestion for a bucket that looks exactly the same but is within reach by declaring it, "too buckety".

When I saw the stack of buckets waiting for me in Elissa's office, all I could think was "too buckety". In this case, too many buckets.  Dex was thrilled when he saw them and wanted to go right away to the nearby park's sandpit to build castles.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

When Can I Have Another Beer?

Last night, I was in the living room and I heard the following conversation between Dexy and Daddy (my ears perked up immediately - I never expected to hear my four-year old ask for a beer):

Dex: Daddy, when can I have another beer?

Daddy: What?!

Dex: When can I have another beer?

Daddy: What kind of beer?

Dex: Regular beer.

Daddy: Have you had beer before?

Dex: Yup. With Grandma and Gunker.

Daddy: When?!

Dex: On Sweetwater.

Daddy: Are you sure that wasn't root beer?

Dex: Oh, yes. Maybe it was root beer.

After we stopped laughing, we immediately called Grandma and Gunker so Dexter could ask them when he could have another beer.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Staying Out Late to Celebrate his Accomplishment

For once, it was Daddy who couldn't make one of Dexter's events due to work so Dexy and I met Daddy afterwards at the Olive Garden (Dexy's choice - he's crazy for their minestrone soup!) for a celebration of our Tiny Tiger. Dexy was exhausted by the time we got there but he did wear his headband for Daddy. Even before we were seated, Dexy had gone goofy.

Gone :)

Basking in the Glory

Dexter was excited to receive recognition for his accomplishments. He loved that everyone was clapping for him.

He got help putting on his new Tiny Tigers headband.
And he received a patch for his belt (temporarily taped on)!
While he was excited to receive his headband, he was less than excited to keep the headband on his head. "It feels funny. I don't want to wear it."

Tiny Tiger Headband Testing

Dexy had his testing for the next level in Tae Kwon Do - the Tiny Tiger headband (I'm pretty sure that is not a standard Tae Kwon Do level).

Ben and I prepared him in advance: Be sure to listen carefully and do what they ask you to do. No talking while others are testing. Pay attention, stay focused.
I hadn't seen him in class for a long time and was really impressed with all the new moves and his ability to follow multi-step instructions.  After doing it with a black belt along side him, he had to do it all by himself. He did a great job!
He didn't talk while others were testing but he did have to be hushed for humming.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Nature Walk with Daddy

Yesterday morning was beautiful so Dexy and Daddy went to the river behind the library and took a nature walk. Dexy did some log sitting, stone skipping, path walking, and bridge crossing.

Final Swimming Lesson of the Season: Excelling at Recreational Activities

While he's got more work to do on the basics of swimming, Dexter certainly enjoyed swimming to capture a ball and throw it in the goal. His form when swimming to the ball leaves a lot to be desired - he looks like he's riding a bicycle underwater.

I think holding the ball and focusing on getting to the goal distracted him from his fear - his form is much more horizontal and he's kicking his legs behind him rather than underneath him!
Dexy was thrilled when he got the ball in the goal exclaiming with a huge smile, "I got it in and the net fell down!"
He also really enjoyed riding the "turtle". Initially he was worried about going into the "deep" end of the pool but he quickly got over it.

Final Swimming Lesson of the Season: Making Strides on the Fundamentals

Dexter has come a long way since his first swimming lesson.  Now, with some serious concentration, he is able to kick his legs behind him (rather than out to the side like he was initially doing). 

He's even able to jump into the pool (as long as the instructor is close enough to catch him). But he's still worried about his head going under - he'll blow bubbles but won't intentionally put his nose in the water.
And he's getting better at climbing out of the pool (but still needs some help from the instructor).

Friday, August 16, 2013

Legoland Helicopter Ride?

I'm not sure why there was a helicopter ride at Legoland (I'm pretty sure it wasn't made out of legos!) but Dexy sure enjoyed it. "When we went on the helicopter, it went around and around and then when Daddy pedaled, we went way up high into the sky, all the way to the ceiling!"

Enjoying Lego Exhibits

Even though Dex enjoyed all the intricate worlds and characters made out of legos, he still draws inspiration for his own lego-building from tractor pulls and houses.  No fear of Darth Vader (no clue as to Darth Vader).

 Standing in front of a replica of Chicago.
In front of lego jungle with a little monkey peering out over his head.

Lego Mania at Legoland

Dexy was living out his design, engineering, and construction dreams at Legoland! It was perfectly set up for the build/test loop. Build...


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Continuing the Collaboration

Dex and his new friend had such success building a pile of sand that they decided to collaborate on a more ambitious construction project.
They used logs and other materials to build a "house".
Dexy learned that sometimes he could be the director but sometimes he needed to the actor if he wanted to successfully complete the project.

Collaboration Takes Communication

Dexy was excited to find a playmate in the big sandpit at the zoo. He learned that he needed to use words to collaborate.

And he learned that other people had words too! They both did a lot of negotiating (Ben said Dexy really met his match) but had a fun time playing together.
And they successfully "built" a pile of sand together.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fears Conquered: at Least Momentarily

After making it up the climbing tower with some help, Dexy was ready to try it all by himself.

 He figured out where to put his hands and his feet,
 and hoisted himself up and up.
He had a look of concentration on his face but not fear.