Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Too Buckety

The other evening I got an excited call from Elissa. "I'm at Michael's and they have buckets on sale for 50 cents each! Do you want any for Dexter?" I asked her to get him four and then put Dexy on the phone to tell her which colors he would like. When I saw the stack of buckets waiting for me in her office the other day, it reminded me of a library book we read to Dex a couple of months ago about a little boy who just wants a bucket for his birthday. When his parents take him to a bucket store, he decides he must have a specific one on the very top of a tall shelf. He refuses his parents' suggestion for a bucket that looks exactly the same but is within reach by declaring it, "too buckety".

When I saw the stack of buckets waiting for me in Elissa's office, all I could think was "too buckety". In this case, too many buckets.  Dex was thrilled when he saw them and wanted to go right away to the nearby park's sandpit to build castles.

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