Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One of These Things Is Not Like the Others

Car, car, car, car, chicken, car.

Gender Roles?

Tonight at dinner, Dexter was announcing that he is a boy, and Daddy is a boy, and Mama is a girl, and My Bologna is a boy. I said, "Yes, you are all boys except for Mama! What is a Mama to do?" Without missing a beat, Dexy replied, "Vacuum cleaner."

Mother's Day

My boys and I had a wonderful Mother's Day. We went out to lunch, went grocery shopping, and bought a little patio set. Ben grilled and we ate outside. They got me a window box for flowers (now full of ivy and snap-dragons on our front porch), some craft paper, and a gift certificate for a massage at a new local "spa". But the best gift of all was how Ben dressed Dexter for the day.