Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last Night Was a Blur

It's not what you think...Ben, Dexter, and I went to our friends' house for a small dinner party and Dexter and their son Ian were going a mile a minute. They were moving around so much I was lucky to catch a shot of them together.

The Smoke Alarm Narrative

About 6 months ago, Ben set off the smoke alarm while cooking hot dogs. Dexter was in his highchair watching My Bologna go nuts and Ben frantically waving a towel at the smoke detector. Apparently, this was an exciting event for Dexter. We couldn't go anywhere without him pointing out every smoke alarm, "Moke arm". A few weeks later, Dexter said, "Moke arm go beep beep beep." A few weeks later, he said, "Daddy. Hot dogs. Moke ararm go beep beep beep." A couple of days ago, he said, "Daddy clean moke ararm with towel." As Dexter's vocabulary evolves, so does the narrative of the exciting smoke alarm event.

An Emerging Theme

Dexter and Ian's creation at the dinner table last night (great company, great meal!).