Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good-Bye, Baby Cage

It's time for a big boy bed and Mommy is feeling a little weepy about her little boy growing up.

Santa, Bells, Orangutan

The other day, Daddy, Dexter, and I were enjoying butterburgers at Culvers and Dexter noticed the Christmas decorations painted on the windows. We asked him what they were and he said, "Santa, bells, orangutan." was indeed Santa, and there were bells, but the orangutan was actually a gingerbread man. In Dexter's defense, it really did look more like an orangutan than a gingerbread man. And that's the story of the birth of the Christmas orangutan.

Museum Fun

Our friend's daughter Johanna was visiting from college this week and she was looking for stuff to do while her mom was at work. Ben and I asked if she'd like to join Dexter and us at the Children's Museum and then babysit while Ben and I took in a movie. We all had a blast at the museum and Ben and I really enjoyed a little alone time together taking in a movie. Thanks Johanna!!!

The Hardest Button to Button

Dexter decided he wanted to button the buttons on his jammies the other night and told me very clearly that he wanted to do it all by himself. His little hands were trying to work the button through the button hole and I couldn't resist jumping in to help him. He told me again, "All by myself, Mommy." So I backed off and watched for a bit. He almost had it but was struggling and I jumped in again to "help". Again, Dexter said, "All by myself, Mommy," and I let go. I knew I needed to let him do it himself but it was the most difficult feeling to watch him try and try again, get so close but not succeed. It turns out that by leaving him alone to do it, he actually could figure it out and get the job done. He was so proud of himself when that button was completely through the hole. I was proud of Dexter, too. Not so proud of myself for repeatedly butting in but hopefully it's a lesson learned for Mommy.

8th Day of Hanukkah

Dexter and I (Ben was working) celebrated the 8th day of Hanukkah with our friends Ian, Elissa, Jason, Kim, and Johanna. Elissa made a lovely meal of blintzes and latkes (YUM!). The boys got to participate in the candle lighting - so special! Of course there was also lots of playing with cars and trains!

Monday, December 26, 2011


We took a trip down to Manny's in Chicago to share a pastrami sandwich for lunch today. Dexter acted so grown up and loved all the food, especially the potato pancake. It was such a beautiful day that we took a drive around the city looking at all the tall buildings.

Daddy's Fancy New Headphones

Dexter was transported to another world the minute he put them on. It was amazing to see.

Christmas Deliveries

After all the unwrapping of gifts and a brunch of eggs and sausage, we hooked the trailer to Dexter's tractor and delivered cookies to neighbors and puppy friends.

Christmas Morning

Santa brought Dexter the camera he asked for for Christmas! And some gold glasses that Dexter had his eye on in the mall.

Christmas Jammies

My mom sent us all some jammies to wear to bed on Christmas Eve and we were lucky to get an almost good photo of the three of us in them.

Christmas Eve Morning with Friends

Ben, Dexter, and I were invited to a Christmas Eve morning celebration at Kim and Dylan's house. I brought over some Christmas crackers and we all got a kick out of popping them open and wearing our paper crowns. It was wonderful to spend easy time with family and friends - it really got us into the holiday spirit. Dexter got to play reindeer "poop" with Ian. Ian and Dexter played a "pizza-making" memory game with Elissa (I was so impressed at how well Dexter did listening!). The boys also played very nicely with Rosie the Cat (Dexter got excited when he saw the litter box and said, "Look Mommy! Rocks!" Luckily, I stopped him before he picked some up! And Scout, the dog, was never far from the action or the food! Just the right amount of chaos to make it feel like Christmas.

Special Delivery

Dexter was excited to open a box of Christmas gifts from Grandma and Grampy. It didn't take long for him to figure out he could fit in the box himself!

Christmas Cookies

Dexter and Mommy enjoyed making Christmas cookies to give away to friends. Despite our best efforts, the oven did not cooperate and we ended up with burnt bottoms and raw middles. Luckily, we had already made some peanut butter with kisses cookies that were suitable for distribution.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Right Feet, Wrong Size

A Little Nervous on Top of Giraffe...

...but still managed to wave.

Shopping Exhaustion

Ben and I thought that while we were at the mall visiting Santa, we would also get some Christmas shopping done. The plan was for Dexter to switch off with Ben and me, leaving each of us some time on our own to do some shopping. We didn't take into account the children's activities at the mall, however, and Dexter had exhausted himself playing in the mall "zoo" and riding on the mall train. It was his first ever food court meltdown. And it was a doozy! Shopping mission not accomplished...

Visiting Santa at the Mall

Dexter was excited to see Santa this year and ask for a camera for Christmas. Ben and I took Dexter to the mall on a quiet Tuesday morning and Dexter didn't have to wait long to sit on Santa's lap. When Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas, Dexter told him, "a camera." Santa gave Dexter a lollipop and sent him on his merry way but before Dexter got more than a few steps away from Santa, he asked me, "where is my camera?" While Dexter understood the whole "request" process, he clearly didn't get the "delivery" process. Daddy and I had to explain that Santa would put it under the tree for him to get on Christmas day.

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Family fun decorating the tree.

No Snow

We haven't had any snow this season so My Bologna couldn't bring our Christmas tree home on the sled as usual. Daddy saved the day by using Dexter's Radio Flyer Red Wagon to schlep our tree home.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grown-Up Christmas Party

Ben and I took Dexter to a musician friend's annual holiday party. Again, Dexter was socially fearless, making friends wherever he went. He loved the two Christmas trees in the house (Ben and I felt awful that we still didn't have a tree up at home).

Singing the Hits

Ben, Dexter, and I went to my office holiday party where Dexter was the life of the party playing with the hosts' puppy, throwing out people's used cocktail napkins in the garbage and singing his favorite songs. When Dexter started singing, "I'm going down to Lucky Town, down to lucky town, a surprised party-goer turned to me and said in disbelief, "Is he singing Springsteen?" That's all Dexter needed. He let loose with all his favorite hits including:

"Keep on rocking in the free world." Neil Young.

"I won't back down. No I won't back down. I'll stand my ground." Dexter sings the Johnny Cash version but also likes the Tom Petty version.

"Take me down to a Paradise City where the grass is green and the girls are pretty." Guns-N-Roses.

On the way home from the party, Ben had a Muddy Waters cd in the car stereo and Dexter insisted that we listen to, "Got my mojo working," the whole way home. Before we knew it, Dexter was singing along, 'Got my mojo working, it just don't work on you."

The Aftermath of Santa-Given Ring Pop

Ian's Birthday

Dexter celebrated his friend, Ian's, birthday at a huge party place filled with bouncy houses. Despite Ian's encouragement and enthusiasm, Dexter almost immediately wanted OUT of the first bouncy house he entered. He would only go in with Elissa or Jason who both were wonderful sports as Dexter dragged them by the hand to take him into the ones with slides. By the time Daddy arrived after work, Dexter was a pro slider (still not a huge fan of the bouncing).

Choo Choo Birthday Lunch

Turns out Dexter wasn't crazy to think that he'd be celebrating his birthday again soon. On his actual birthday, Ben and I took him to the Choo Choo Restaurant. A bit of a schlep but totally worth it. It's a tiny burger join that has a working model train running along the counter and a few booths. The train delivers the food and, if it's your birthday, they sing a happy birthday song and give you a birthday cupcake with a plastic train whistle on top. Dexter was in heaven.

Turtle Cake

Birthday Party

Dexter was thrilled when his "Thanksgiving friends" showed up a few days later for his birthday party. It was tight quarters but it was a fun day! Dexter decided he wanted to be a cat that morning so we offered everyone "whiskers" when they arrived so they could play like cats with Dexter. There was an enthusiastic round of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, a "picnic" lunch (I can't believe how well they all sat on the blanket together!), limbo and jamming on instruments in the basement, and, of course, opening presents. He had a great birthday. So great that he was asking for it to be his birthday again the next day.

Thanksgiving Disappointment

After Dexter woke up from nap on Thanksgiving day, even before we got him out the crib he was asking, "Is Thanksgiving here?" "Yes," we told him knowing that the food was ready and we'd be eating in a few minutes. Dexter got a huge smile on his face and ran out into the living room. He stood there looking around confused. "Where are my Thanksgiving friends?" Awww. We felt awful and figured we had confused him by talking about Thanksgiving and his birthday coming up. We told him that Thanksgiving was a special meal in the kitchen. He was not impressed. He sat at the table with us but refused to eat anything except a bite of one of the deviled eggs he had helped to make. As Ben and I were eating, Dexter kept saying he wanted peanut butter and jelly but we told him that we weren't having that today and that he should eat his special Thanksgiving dinner. He was having none of it but continued to sit while Ben and I ate. We were making a big deal about how yummy everything was, trying to convince Dexter to partake. At one point, after taking a big bite of turkey and stuffing, Ben said, "Oh, Dexter, this is really good. You don't know what you're missing." To which Dexter replied (without missing a beat), "I'm missing peanut butter and jelly."

Thanksgiving Prep

Dexter really got into helping prepare for our little at-home family Thanksgiving. He was integral to the mixing of ingredients of the corn bread and the deviled eggs. He loved filling the muffing pans and egg whites. He went right down for nap knowing that we were going to celebrate Thanksgiving after nap.


Can't Get Enough Dissonance

Dexter insisted on playing Daddy's banjo and his ukulele at the same time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Missing Grandma and Gunker

I had to present at a conference in DC last weekend and since Ben had never been there and Grandma and Gunker had planned to come up and visit Dexter this fall, we timed it so that they looked after Dexter and My Bologna while we were away from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon. I was worried that Dexter would miss us but it turns out he never once asked for us or about us. On the other hand, when Ben and I got him out of bed yesterday morning, the first words out of his mouth were, "Where is Grandma and Gunker?" He was not happy to realize that Grandma and Gunker really were driving that big red truck back to Mississippi without him.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fistful of Poop

At the grocery store today, we heard someone calling out Dexter's name as we perused the bakery section. Turns out it was one of Dexy's check-out lady friends who had been promoted to the bakery. She offered him a donut hole and began chatting with Ben and me about her kids. She mentioned that her 5 year old daughter was very amused by her 2 year old brother's recently-developed nose-picking habit. She commented that kids pick up all sorts of things from other kids at pre-school and joked that she doesn't think her daughter will be as amused when he starts reaching into his pants and pulling out his poop. Dexter stood there quietly eating his donut hole and, apparently, taking notes. After nap today, he proceeded to stick his hand down the back of his pants and pull out a fistful of poop. He was not happy about it and came running to me, "Mommy help clean it!"

Lucky Guess or Mathmatical Genius?

This morning as Dexter was helping clean up by putting his crayons back in their bucket, Dexter was picking up handfuls and insisting each handful was "three" crayons. I would correct him with the accurate number but he was having none of it. Eventually I tired of simply providing the correct quantity and began to get a little creative. When I responded to, "It's three, Mommy," with, "Well, that's three plus four," Dexter replied, "Equals seven." What?!

Robot Finale (Finally!)

Robot Dexter was a huge hit trick-or-treating in the neighborhood on Halloween! He had a blast checking out all the other trick-or-treaters and Halloween decorations. Before long, his bucket of candy was too heavy for him to carry.

Home-Grown Jack-O-Lantern

Dexter and Daddy carved a jack-o-lantern into the pumpkin Dexter grew in the garden this summer. Daddy executed Dexter's design of square eyes, triangle nose, and circle mouth. "It's sticky, Mommy."

Noises During Nap

Turns out the noises we heard during Dexter's nap on Sunday was Dexter pulling his alphabet train station from the floor into his crib. He dropped it the minute he saw us.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Zebra and Robot

Dexter was delighted to meet a zebra at Mommy's work yesterday. He kept complimenting the zebra saying things like, "I love your mane, zebra!" and, "I love your eyes, zebra!" Luckily, Rosemary was able to corral these two for a picture!

Toddlin' Two's Costume Pandemonium

Tamboree-Playing Robot in the Library Parade

Dexter, Ian, and Dexter's Doppelganger

Last weekend, we discovered Dexter's doppelganger at a suburban hobby show! Ian is sandwiched between Dexter (in the back) and Dexter's doppelganger in the front.

All Systems A.O.K.

Despite a broken antenna, Robot Dexter reported, "All Systems A. O. K."

Getting Noticed

No matter where our little robot went, he got lots of looks, laughs, and compliments.

Robot Premier

Dexter premiered his robot Halloween costume at the town's "Safely Spooky" evening in the park. He was a huge hit.