Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Hardest Button to Button

Dexter decided he wanted to button the buttons on his jammies the other night and told me very clearly that he wanted to do it all by himself. His little hands were trying to work the button through the button hole and I couldn't resist jumping in to help him. He told me again, "All by myself, Mommy." So I backed off and watched for a bit. He almost had it but was struggling and I jumped in again to "help". Again, Dexter said, "All by myself, Mommy," and I let go. I knew I needed to let him do it himself but it was the most difficult feeling to watch him try and try again, get so close but not succeed. It turns out that by leaving him alone to do it, he actually could figure it out and get the job done. He was so proud of himself when that button was completely through the hole. I was proud of Dexter, too. Not so proud of myself for repeatedly butting in but hopefully it's a lesson learned for Mommy.

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