Wednesday, December 29, 2010

White Christmas

An opportunity for Daddy to help Dexter make his first snowman.

Chocolate Peep

What was I thinking? That a candy made of chocolate and green marshmallow wasn't going to be a total mess? Nope, I pretty much knew it would be but wanted to see Dexter enjoy a new tasty treat on Christmas morning. I wasn't disappointed (and neither was Dexy).

The Calm Before the Storm

After a few days of decorating the tree and wrapping presents, My Bologna enjoyed a few minutes of stillness before the excitement of Christmas morning.

Ready To Play in the Snow

The Nick Nolte Mug Shot

Dexter's gorgeous hair can get a bit crazy when he's just gotten up from nap and has rubbed candy cane in it.

All That Gorgeous (Clean) Hair!

The Patience of a Saint

I don't know what got into him, but while we were visiting with a friend who was up from Mississippi, Dexter decided to put his train conductor hat on My Bologna. Everyone except My Bologna was very amused. This post is for you, Jonathan!

Deck the Depot

Each year, our town has a "deck the depot" night (at the train depot, duh) around Christmastime. This year, our friends Julie and Matt joined us for what we thought would be a fun evening of seeing Santa, petting reindeer, carolers, and a nice dinner at "the" fancy(ish) restaurant in town. We bundled Dexter up in his buggy and walked the few blocks to the depot, expectations high. We never found Santa, we weren't allowed to touch the reindeer because they could get diseases from us(!), and we waited for more than an hour for an Italian pasta dinner before telling the waiter to wrap it to go. Dexter was great despite the long wait - 4 loaves of bread didn't hurt! Still, it was fun to see Julie and Matt and we enjoyed dinner and drinks when we got home.

Bring It On Home, My Bologna!

Bump in the Road

Not to worry - he's OK.

Picking Up the Tree

Dexter got a sweet ride on the way to pick up the Christmas tree this year. He loved it!