Monday, December 24, 2012

Santa Calling

Dexter was amazed when Santa called him this afternoon! He reported that he had been a good boy but gave up My Bologna telling Santa, "But My Bologna broke my train track. That's a little bit kind of naughty. But I was still happy."

An Eye for Detail

We ran into Santa at the grocery store today (actually, he was called over to aisle 9 by an eagle eye manager who spotted Dexter)!  Santa came running over to Dexter, exclaiming, "Ho Ho Ho!" and gave Dexter a candy cane.  Santa asked Dexter if he had been a good boy this year, well, mostly a good boy and Dexter replied, "Yes!" Then Santa wished Dexter a Merry Christmas and Dexter wished Santa a Merry Christmas and we all left aisle 9. As we were walking away, I said to Dexter, "How exciting to see Santa in the Jewel!" to which Dexy said, "Yes. But he wasn't the real Santa." When I asked why he wasn't the real Santa, Dexter said, "Because he wasn't wearing any Santa gloves!"

Appropriate Attire

Freezing Swings

After My Bologna's walk this morning, Mommy and Daddy were too cold to play with Dexter on the backyard swing set.  It was 30 degrees out! We both went inside and encouraged Dexter to join us. He refused. He went over to his swing set and climbed onto one of the swings. Dexy could see me watching from the window and kept repeating, "I want to swing, Mommy." Eventually, he stopped griping and started pushing himself off the ground and pumping his legs while Daddy and I watched from the sunroom. Because we weren't there to push him, he finally figured he would put some effort in. That's one way to get him to do it by himself!

We're Calling It a Rich Imagination

"Look, Mommy! It's a 'not on wheels' party!"
"Bug City has some construction going on."  When I asked why the Sears Tower was upside down, Dexter said, "It's not the Sears Tower. It's an X-Ray!"

Gingerbread City

A train, a house, and even some special reindeer food that Dexter made at school.

Faulty Design

We had a near-disaster this morning when Dexter saw that I had built the gingerbread house without him overnight. He was not happy. "But I wanted to build that house!"
I apologized and explained that I had to do it that way because of its faulty design and if we had tried to do it together it would have taken so long that we wouldn't have time to decorate it.
Dexy eventually warmed to the idea of decorating the gingerbread house and he and Daddy had a great time together.