Sunday, February 8, 2009


It was probably more difficult for Mommie...last night Dexter slept the whole night in his crib. We had been talking about moving him from his basket next to our bed to his crib in his own room for about a week (since noticing that he's as long as the basket and able to scratch his little head on the sides). I was finally able to let it happen last night. He slept in his crib from 8:30pm - 3:15am (he wasn't even fussing but I woke up with full boobs and had to feed him) and then from 4:30 - 7:30am. We didn't hear a peep - when I went into his room this morning, he was lying peacefully in his crib, looking around, perfectly content. What a big boy! We'll miss his little chuckles and farts waking us up in the middle of the night.