Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Disappointment

After Dexter woke up from nap on Thanksgiving day, even before we got him out the crib he was asking, "Is Thanksgiving here?" "Yes," we told him knowing that the food was ready and we'd be eating in a few minutes. Dexter got a huge smile on his face and ran out into the living room. He stood there looking around confused. "Where are my Thanksgiving friends?" Awww. We felt awful and figured we had confused him by talking about Thanksgiving and his birthday coming up. We told him that Thanksgiving was a special meal in the kitchen. He was not impressed. He sat at the table with us but refused to eat anything except a bite of one of the deviled eggs he had helped to make. As Ben and I were eating, Dexter kept saying he wanted peanut butter and jelly but we told him that we weren't having that today and that he should eat his special Thanksgiving dinner. He was having none of it but continued to sit while Ben and I ate. We were making a big deal about how yummy everything was, trying to convince Dexter to partake. At one point, after taking a big bite of turkey and stuffing, Ben said, "Oh, Dexter, this is really good. You don't know what you're missing." To which Dexter replied (without missing a beat), "I'm missing peanut butter and jelly."

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