Sunday, July 22, 2012

Duck Race

 Each year, the town has a rubber ducky race fundraiser for the Park District. People can sponsor a duck in the race and, if their duck wins, they can win $500.  Yesterday, we went to the duck race after Daddy got home from work. 
 We arrived too late to sponsor a duck and after the bouncy house and train had been disassembled but we made it just in time for the duck race. Dexter enjoyed playing with a big yellow duck ("Mommy, that big duck has hands!  I've never seen any big ducks with hands before! Have you?").
Dexter was all about engaging the duck and then running away laughing hysterically the whole time. Eventually, Dexter gave the big duck with hands a high-five. Dexter enjoyed the exciting start to the race (the firemen used one of their hoses to move the ducks forward in the water) but his interest waned as the speed of the ducks waned to a leisurely lollygag.

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