Thursday, March 29, 2012

Potty Progress

Since Dexter first peed on the potty on leap day, he has been pretty consistent about peeing on the potty one or two times a day (about on par with the number of accidents he had each day). He even got a poops on the potty a couple of weeks ago (because I noticed him starting to do his business in the living room and got him to the potty in time to get some in there). However, this Tuesday, Dexter seemed to have suddenly mastered the skill. He would announce he had to go and Ben or I would get him on the potty and he would immediately do a pee and a poo then demand to see it in the potty. He gets a gold star on his potty chart for each pee pee and a star of any other color for a poop. There was barely enough room for all the stars he got on Tuesday! We are all proud of Dexter's progress.

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