Friday, January 29, 2010

One Size Fits All (kind of)

Before dinner we now let Dexter have some supervised exploration time in the previously-restricted access areas of the kitchen, his bedroom, and the sun-room while I prepare his dinner. For the past few evenings, he has taken Daddy's "My Bologna shoes" (slip-on shoes kept in the sun-room for My Bologna-walking purposes) and moved them next to his container of shoes. He tries to stand in Daddy shoes and will sometimes put one of his shoes in one of Daddy's shoes. Dexter also tries to put his own shoes on his feet by pushing them down on the top of his foot. After he gets tired of trying (and failing) to get the shoe on, he brings it to me and lifts up his foot for me to put it on. No fuss, no crying, just finding a way to get what he wants. I am LOVING this phase!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those slippers seem to fit me just fine...what's wrong them?