Friday, August 12, 2011

Super 8

Dexter spent his first night in a BIG big boy bed at the Super 8 in Quincy. After 6 hours driving in the car, fun with his cousins and riding the tractor, Ben and I were hopeful that Dexter would fall right asleep on one of the queen sized beds. We tried to stay as close to the "get ready for bed" routine as possible and Dexter happily got into the bed and snuggled with Quackers. But he didn't stay there. Ben and I decided to try to lie down on either side of him and pretend we were sleeping in order to help Dexy fall asleep. It took over an hour and a half of Dexter lying down then jumping up and happily chatting ("Super 8!" "Dexter in big bed!" "TUVWXY and Z" "Tractor!") before he finally (and suddenly) fell fast asleep. Ben and I quietly got up off the bed, fed My Bologna, and got ready for bed while Dexter slept peacefully in the middle of the queen sized bed. In the morning, I woke to the sound of Dexter's voice right in my ear, "Hi Mama." He was very proud that he slept in the big bed at the Super 8.

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