Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rapid Fire

This week has been amazing in terms of Dexter's development. It has been days and days of quick discovery, experimentation, and mastery. He's pulling himself to standing everywhere, all the time. I found him today in his crib - standing! He pushes a ball back to me, turns toys on by himself, has stopped choking on the sippy cup. He's constantly babbling. I think the only word he says that is connected to any meaning in our world is Mmm Buff for My Bologna. He's creative and finds alternative ways of getting what he wants - a toy on a cardboard box, just out of arms reach, and he notices that if he hits the box, the toy moves. So he hits the box until the toy vibrates right over to him. This is really a wonderful thing to witness. I'm amazed by him everyday.

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