Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Was I Thinking?!

I'm making myself miserable with my plans to make a home-made Halloween costume for Dexter. My mother made our costumes when we were young so I had a fantasy that I could manage to be some kind of supermom while working full-time. I had the idea to make a turtle costume because Dexy reminded us of a turtle when he was born. We bought a wide, shallow, green bowl at Target and I thought Ben could drill some holes in it and we could attach to his back using elastic (that I also bought). Then I bought a bunch of green material to cover his body and make a hood for his head and "flippers" for his hands and feet. I am at the point now where I have a green bowl full of work papers on my desk and some green material cut out in the shape of Dexter's body. I don't how I'm ever going to pull it off. My good friend Elissa was kind enough to bring me her son's first Halloween costume from last year (a lion) "just in case" I don't get it together and finish the turtle costume. In my mind, Dexter is saying in this photo, "Mommy, I thought you were going to make me a turtle costume." Where did this guilt come from?!


Rosemary said...

It's very cute but I thought he was a daisy. Get over the guilt, tho.

Rosemary said...

Dexter to anyone who will listen...
"Would someone please get this thing off my head?"

Anonymous said...

YUP..I tried to be a turtle...YUP I did. I love halloween!