Thursday, January 13, 2011

Toddlin' Two's!

Yesterday was Dexter's first day of "school". OK, not really "school". OK, not really "day". Dexter started a twice a week, hour and a half drop-off class for two year olds run by our town's park district. Ben dropped him off, no problems. In fact, Dexter saw the train set and took off running as Daddy was trying to say good-bye. When Ben came back to pick him up an hour and a half later, he could see through the door into the classroom and Dexter was playing by himself at a table of games. Then the "teacher" herded him over to sit in a circle with about 12 other toddling two's. She opened the door to let the parents collect their kids and Dexter saw Ben, smiled, pointed, and yelled, "Daddy!" The teacher told Ben she couldn't believe this was Dexter's first time without us - he did great. We're so glad he seems to like it and hope that the socializing with other kids and time away from us will be good for him. We'll see how it goes tomorrow!

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