Monday, February 21, 2011

No Wonder the State is in Such a State!

Ben and I got a referral for a speech evaluation for Dexter because even though he seemed to understand every word we said, he wasn't too interested in talking. The doctor wasn't worried about him but we figured we would go through the state and get a free evaluation just to see if there was something more we could be doing for him. Little did we know that the process of getting an appointment would be such an ordeal. We started calling and leaving message in early January and didn't get a call back until the last week in January. We scheduled an intake appointment for February 2nd but when the blizzard came the coordinator did not (nor did she call). Another few days of calling back and we finally got another intake appointment. After a few minutes of questions about the pregnancy and about Dexter she was on her way saying that the speech therapist would call us to set up an appointment. That Friday, the therapist called and asked if we could do an appointment on Monday. I couldn't - too much work for Monday that couldn't wait. I asked if we could do another time that week and she said they were all booked up. "How about the next week?" All booked up. "How about the week after that? "All booked up. "How about the week after that?" "Well," she says, "We need to get this evaluation completed within 45 days." I argued that the first week in March was not 45 days since the intake and she said it must be 45 days from when we called...initially. I have to say I felt horrible that I couldn't just drop everything. I mean, what kind of mother am I to not be able to drop work and make my son my top priority? The poor therapist got an earful from me about this and reassured me that she would find another time for us. Honestly, I could have made time any day except Monday (especially since she was calling to schedule this on Friday afternoon!). We ended up getting an appointment for Wed last week and I was able to shift my schedule around so I could be there.

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