Monday, September 5, 2011

Tabbi and Lukas Visit

Yesterday, Ben's cousin Tabbi and her almost-two-year-old son, Lukas, got up super early and hopped a train from Quincy to Chicago to spend the day with us. First, let me say that I am so impressed that Tabbi was brave enough to make such a long one-day trip (they were on a train back to Quincy by 6pm!). Let me also say that I am so thankful that she did it. We all had a great day, very relaxed just hanging out at home watching Lukas and Dexter play together and catching up on family news. A few impressions:

1. Lukas is extremely bright - I couldn't believe the methodical way that he approached Dexter's puzzles. It was amazing to see him examining each puzzle piece from every angle and turning it so that it fit into the appropriate spot perfectly. Not once did he get frustrated and he completed every puzzle in the house! I think he would make an excellent researcher!

2. Dexter would be a wonderful big brother (not going to happen) - he reveled in showing Lukas his toys and his room, did a fabulous job sharing everything, and "helped" Lukas get over some toys when he was "stuck" in a corner. I was very proud of him and he seemed pretty proud of himself too!

3. Both boys played together (and separately next to each other) like pro's. They were excellent sharers and collaborators.

4. It was like a hurricane (a happy hurricane) had followed the boys as they went room to room exploring toys. Ben and I were amazed at how much "destruction" two perfectly behaved little boys could cause. We also realized that part of the problem is that Dexter has too much stuff! It's that time again to continue the circle of good karma and pass along toys that have been passed along to Dexter.

It was a really great day for all of us! We hope Lukas was worn out enough to sleep on the 5 hour train ride home!!

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

We had so much fun hanging at your house and playing with all your great toys! Sorry Lukas helped to create a tornado of toys...and we left in such a rush that we didn't help to clean up. Lukas had so much fun that he started talking about it as soon as he woke this morning. It was so nice spending time with your family and I wish we lived closer so we could do it much more often. Thanks again for such a fun day :)