Sunday, February 12, 2012


We knew that once Dexter was in his big boy bed he would be free to roam around in and leave his room. We not looking forward to this new turn of events but knew it was inevitable. While Dexter did roam around in his room while waiting for one of us to get him up in the morning or after nap, and while he would open his door for us when we knocked, he never took it upon himself to actually leave his room on his own. Ben and I were so relieved - sleeping until 7 and afternoon naps seemed to safely remain a part of our daily lives. Until two days ago when I went out to a cafe to work for a couple of hours while Dexy was "napping" and came home to find Dexter and My Bologna playing quietly in the living room and Daddy napping soundly in bed about ten feet away. Little Houdini had figured out he could just leave his room at will. Bye-bye nap-time for Mommy and Daddy. It was fun while it lasted.

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