Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Half-Birthday (Not)!

On Friday, my officemate noted that it was Dexter's half-birthday and asked if I would be getting him a half-birthday cake.  Frankly, I hadn't thought about it before but liked the idea of recognizing that Dexter was now 3 and a half - mostly because I saw it as an opportunity to promote the fact that he is becoming a "big boy" and all the big boy things that come along with that (poops on the potty, falling to sleep by himself).  When I got home from work, I made a big deal to Dexter about his half-birthday and Daddy and I took him to Two Toots restaurant - one of those Old-Timey restaurants where the model trains deliver the food to the tables. On the ride to Two Toots, however, I started counting the months and realized that we were a month late - Dexter turned three and a half on May 29th, not June 29th.  Whoops. Nonetheless, Dexter had a wonderful not half-birthday (he still thought it was his half-birthday).

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