Sunday, September 16, 2012

Negotiating Relationships: Step 1 - Use Words

Dexter had an impromptu play date with Ellerie and Reid on Friday.  It gave Dexter a chance to show off Railroad City and the "cars" in the basement as well as his favorite local park.  It also gave me a chance to see that Dexter's class of five other boys and one girl may not be providing him with enough diversity when  it comes to interacting with others.  He was pretty rough and I needed to remind him that he needed to be more gentle with Reid who is much smaller than he is and that he needed to use words to let Ellerie know what he wanted rather than dragging her around.

"But I want to hold her hand!"

"I understand, so you should let her know that's what you want and ask nicely if she wants to do that too."

"Ellerie, um, can I please hold your hand?"


Thank you, Ellerie, for making that lesson an easy one!  How to deal with rejection will have to wait for another day. The kids ended up looking like a little family with Ellerie and Dexter pushing home Reid in his stroller.

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