Sunday, September 9, 2012

Potty Progress

Ever since Dexy and I got back from Maine and I knew we'd have a period of relative stability before school started for the both of us, Ben and I decided the time was right for Dexter to make the switch from diapers to big boy underpants at night.  While Dexy had been great with pee pee during the days, we noticed that he was waiting until his bedtime diaper to do his poops. So, we embarked on the messy and sleep-disturbing endeavor of transitioning to full time big boy underpants.  In some ways, it felt similar to the early months when we didn't get much sleep but this time, instead of being woken by him, we were setting the alarm for all hours of the night to get up and check to see if he needed to go potty (one night, Dexter slept through going pee on the potty while Daddy and Mommy did all the lifting and manoeuvring but mostly he resisted).  Every night we would talk with him about getting Mommy or Daddy if he needs to go potty in the middle of the night and every morning we would wake up to Dexter announcing, "I'm a little bit wet."

During this period, Dexter suddenly announced that he wanted to pee "standing up like a big man".  I suspect he did this in order to avoid going poop on the potty by accident when he went peeps but it's a real blessing - it is so easy for him to go pee pee in public restrooms now!

Thursday morning I was up before 5am getting dressed in our front room and was startled by Dexter when I came back into the living room.  He was standing in pitch dark and said, "I have to go pee pee standing up."  Not wanting to get my hopes up, I ran to him to feel if he was wet and he was completely dry! As he stood peeing into the potty, he was pretty proud of himself (I was beaming).  Almost the same thing happened the next day (dry for 2 nights in a row!) and then, that evening, he pooped on the potty!! Alas, the dry streak ended this morning when he woke up a "little bit wet".  Still, progress shows we're moving in the right direction.  I'm just looking forward to sleeping through the night again one of these days.

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