Friday, October 26, 2012

I'm Calling It Karma

 Last month, another student in my cohort, Ray, was moving into a new place from a far away city and didn't have any household items so I pulled together a few items that we didn't need to help him get settled. As I was packing up a loaf pan for him, Dexter and I decided to give it to him full of lemon cake.  Last week, Ray and I had a brief exchange about intrinsic motivation and altrusim with me arguing that there is no such thing as altruism and him pointing out that it was altruistic of me to give him a bunch of necessary things for his apartment.

This morning, after our TA session for Statistics, Ray gave me a coffee cake and some Halloween-y cupcakes for Dexter as a thank you.  Not only did we get to enjoy these treats but I also got to frame my "altruistic" gesture as banking some good karma.
 Here is Dexter's face after wolfing down his chocolate cupcake.
Here is Dexter's face when I told him he couldn't have another one.

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