Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Helpers

Elissa, Jason, and Ian joined us for a low-key Thanksgiving dinner.  I had informed Elissa that she could wear whatever she wanted but that I would be wearing my pajamas (it's been such a stressful few months that I just wanted a day in jammies!). The night before, as Ian was picking out his clothes for the next day, he asked where his "fancy" shirts were. Elissa told him, "You don't have to wear a fancy shirt. Jiffy said you can wear whatever you want." Ian thought for a moment and said, "I think Jiffy wants me to wear a fancy shirt."  Elissa said, "No, really, you can wear whatever you want. In fact, Jiffy said she's going to wear her pajamas."  Elissa said the surprised look on Ian's face was priceless.  Thanksgiving morning, we also gave Dexter the option of wearing jammies all day and he refused.  Seems like everyone but Mommy has sense enough to put clothes on for Thanksgiving. But none of them were more comfortable than Mommy throughout the day.

As is tradition, we cooked the turkey on the grill and made stuffing. Elissa brought some delicious roasted brussel sprouts and cauliflower and a fabulous salad. When Ian, Elissa, and Jason arrived, we had the boys "mash" the potatoes and "make" the cornbread. The food was delicious - I think it was the best tasting Thanksgiving meal we have ever pulled off (thanks to help from our friends).

Mashing potatoes - engrossed and cooperating.
Tired and distracted - Elissa finishes the job.
Mixing and plopping into the muffin tins...

and mini-cake pans.

Luckily, each boy chose a different shape (circles or squares) when it came time to put the muffins into the tins.

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