Sunday, December 2, 2012

Garden Cat

Dexter's potty calendar (where he puts stickers when he poops) was a freebie from the Humane Society.  As such, each month features a dog or cat in a seasonal situation and has another small picture of a dog or cat on the section of the calendar with the days. Each month, Dexter names both animals. A few months ago, the big picture was of a cat in a sink and Dexter named her "Sink Washing Cat." When he turned the calendar to December yesterday, he saw a big fluffy white cat next to a pine tree in front of a window with a winter scene outside. Daddy asked what that cat's name is and Dexter said, "It's Sink Washing Cat!" Daddy explained that it couldn't be Sink Washing Cat because Sink Washing Cat is black and white and this cat is only white.  Dexter suggested that maybe somebody painted Sink Washing Cat all white and Daddy explained that that probably wasn't the case because this cat looks too fluffy to have been painted and, besides, it would be mean to paint a cat. Daddy prompted Dexter for this cat's name again and Dexter thought and thought and thought and thought and thought. Finally, he said, "Garden Cat." "Great," said Daddy, "And what is this little dog's name?" (pointing to the smaller picture of a dog).  Without missing a beat, Dexter said, "Dan."

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