Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Dexter made a Christmas book at school. One page lists the things he hopes Santa brings to the important people in his life.  Where the heck was I going to find a tuba for Daddy?!

...On Amazon! When I showed Dexy what I was ordering for Daddy on his behalf, he said, "Yes. A tuba that he can wear on his neck and pretend to play it."

While Christmas shopping, Dexter came up with some more ideas about gifts for his parents. Like motorcycles with a ramp that goes "round and around". 
And a toy train as well as a toy car for Mommy. Dexter didn't bat an eye when I said, "Thank you, Dexter! Mommy is going to keep these in their packages so they don't get VG'ed." And they WOULD get VG'ed in Dexy's hands! Not to worry, I will open them up and play with them "with Dexter."

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