Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lesson of the Day: If You Think You Can't, Just Try

Dexter has been getting pretty good at self-care. The only obstacles to being able to undress and dress himself independently were buttons, zippers, and socks (go figure, you'd think socks would be the easiest!). Yesterday morning Dexter had jammies with buttons on and was insisting that he can't do the buttons by himself.  A meltdown was starting when I said, "Dexter, if you think you can't do something, you should just try and maybe you will surprise yourself."  He took that to heart and was so proud when he managed to unbutton his jammie buttons all by himself!  I told him that our lesson for the day was to try, even when you think you can't do something and he spent the rest of the day "discovering" all the things he could do when he tried including putting on his socks, zipping up his jacket, putting on his hat, and hopping on one foot over cracks in the sidewalk. 

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