Sunday, May 26, 2013

Holding His Own with PhD Students

Dexy and I had a great time at the HDSP party yesterday. Ijun brought a bubble wand for him to play with - and play he did! Thanks Ijun! 

Debbie (the host) had a medium sized scruffy named Benny that Dexter loved playing with. Benny wasn't used to playing with a young one and Dexter was impressed at how well he played "hide and seek".
 The rest of us called the game "Benny needs a Dexter break".
Dexter started asking people what they wanted him to "teach" them. I don't know why he was saying that (not a game we've ever played before). Maybe he thought that because it was a party with Mommy's "school friends" we all wanted to learn something. He taught various doctoral students how to hop (on one leg) and how to count (up to 11).

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