Saturday, July 13, 2013

Build Up, Long Wait, and Brief Burst of Excitement

This year, Ben and I took Dexter to see the ducks at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis.  When we described for Dexter how, everyday at 11:00am exactly, the ducks come from their home on the roof via the hotel elevator to the fountain in the hotel lobby, he couldn't wait to see those ducks come out of the elevator.  Unfortunately, neither could about 100 other people. 

 We got to the hotel a half hour early and the crowd was already intense.  We managed to scoot Dexy up towards the front of the line (they let the smaller kids sit on the ground in the front) but he became antsy waiting so long.
But when we saw the numbers on the elevator approach "L", he perked up.  Those ducks scooted by very quickly but he did get to see them swim around in the fountain.
Walking in the ducks' footprints outside the Peabody.

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