Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reading Elissa's Birthday Fortune

After Shabbat Dinner, we enjoyed "delicious birthday cake" and personalized fortune cookies that Jason and Ian had made for Elissa's birthday. Dex asked me to read the fortune from his cookie but I suggested that he read it himself. He had no trouble with the first line, "Happy Birthday, Elissa!" but then he wanted to stop and have me read the rest.  I encouraged him to continue and he did. "Love, Jason and Ian". Then he stopped and looked at me for help with the next line. Once more I encouraged him, "Keep going, you're doing great!" By this time the rest of the table was completely silent as Dex sounded out, "New (now) you my (may) eat the cookie." When he finished, everyone burst into applause. "You're reading!" exclaimed Elissa. Elissa's praise holds special meaning for Dex and I could see him beaming with pride.

1 comment:

erg said...

could you hear me beaming with pride too!! -erg