Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Magic Book and Father Christmas

Each Christmas Eve, Daddy reads "T'was the Night Before Christmas" to Dex and during the reading the doorbell rings and we discover that Father Christmas has delivered a family gift. This year, Dex was very curious as to how that "magic book" could make Father Christmas come. It remains a mystery.

Dex's curiosity was usurped by the sheer thrill of playing the Mousetrap game. Father Christmas must have known how much Dex would enjoy building the mousetrap and watching the contraption function. Carefully turning the crank, unaware of what is about to happen.
Sheer joy! His whole body was filled with excitement the first time he saw the contraption work.
Then he was all about understanding (and explaining) the kinetics of the contraption. He had it all figured out except for the last bit - he asked Daddy, "How does the diver make the net go down?" Daddy explained that the force of the diver hitting the tub made enough movement to jostle the net from its perch.

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