Friday, January 10, 2014


At his last doctor's visit, Dexter's pediatrician suggested that we get him an initial eye exam before kindergarten. Since Ben and I both needed to get eye exams, we found a local opthomologist who works with young children as well as adults and scheduled us all for eye exams. After some initial hesitation Dexter really enjoyed his first eye exam (at first, he thought the chair and equipment was a robot but after watching Daddy go up and down in the chair a few times, Dex got on board). Dexy got to look through 3D glasses, read really small letters on a far away wall, point a red laser around the room, and look into some funny implements that had blinking red and green lights.  Dex has 20/20 vision and his eyes look very healthy.  Poor Mommy now needs bifocals.

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