Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dexter and Daddy's Cookie Factory

Ben and Dexter made dozens of Easter cookies for Dex's school party and for our Easter celebration with Elissa, Ian, and Jason.
Dex shepherded Ben through the process (Dex has had more cookie-baking experience than Ben), letting him know that they need to sift flour onto the marble surface before rolling the dough.
I wanted to suggest that they put the same type of cookies on each cookie sheet so that they would bake evenly but I held my tongue. As a result, they ended up with a few "overdone" smaller shapes.
 Flour, flour everywhere!


Anonymous said...

FINALLY..........FINISHED AND I DID NOT EAT ONE!!!!!!!!!! I AM A SUPER HERO!!!! SO ARE MY MOM AND DAD! (MAYBE I WILL HAVE ONE OF THESE NOW......Thanks Mom and DAD for being so great? I love you guys so much Both of you are keepers (HUM????===but I am curious)NOPE...I want to keep these guys!

Anonymous said...

Finally I am done making cookies and decorating them!!!!!!YES!!!!....Now I can ask Mommy or Daddy if I can have just ONE>>>>>I was very good not to eat ANY during this project.....I wonder what the Easter bunny will bring me? HUM? Why do we have Easter? My Grandma -not my Grandmama (she doesn't like to cook-but I love her anyway)loves to cook!!!! and eat icecream too YUMMY!!!!