Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy Passover

We were honored to be invited to Elissa's family's Passover Seder this year. Dex loved playing with Ian and his cousins. As we sat at the table, Dex asked me, "Can I sit next to Ian's girl cousin?" He ended up between Elissa and Ian.

Even though Dex got a little antsy through the Seder rituals ("When do we eat?" "Are we done yet?"), he managed to keep it together.
Interactive features such as Face Time with Jason's parents and the plague masks helped keep Dex engaged.
It was nice to see all the kids participate actively in the Seder. Elissa's sister, Jessica, led the hunt for the afikomen and Dexter's prizes for finding his included the book, "Big Words for Little People." He has read it every night since.
Dexter ate his weight in matzah, matzah ball soup, and meatballs. The food was delicious, the table looked beautiful, and the company could not have been better. Happy Passover.

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