Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Poor Ben. This year, his birthday fell at an incredibly busy time for me. I had to be in East St. Louis for a meeting on the afternoon of his birthday (Thursday) and had a paper due the day before. Because the meeting was only a couple hours from Dexy's great-grandparents, we decided the whole family would drive with me to my meeting, stay in a hotel, drive the two hours to the great grandparents for a short visit, and come home. I pulled the first (almost) all-nighter in many years Tuesday night, went to class, came home, picked up Dex from school and immediately took him out to pick up birthday gifts for Daddy.

We got a plate that Dex could paint and an ice cream cake for birthday breakfast.

We got Daddy up at the crack of dawn to enjoy some birthday ice cream cake and hit the road for the six hour drive to my meeting. What a way to celebrate Daddy's birthday. 

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