Sunday, June 22, 2014

Father's Day Daddy Surprise

About a half hour before Ben was scheduled to get home from his church gig, Dex and I developed our surprise plan. Dex would get into the tent, I would grab the presents and cake from my office and place it in the tent with Dex, I would zip up the tent and Dex would wait for Daddy to "notice" the big tent in the living room and shout "Happy Father's Day!" when Ben opened the tent flap. During our test run, Dex decided that he wanted to stay in the tent until Daddy got home so I gave him an activity book, put the presents and cake in there with him, and zipped him in. The only sound coming from that tent for a full half hour was the whispering sound of Dex's marker on the activity book.

When Ben got home, he saw the tent immediately and Dex shouted, "Surprise!" when Ben opened the tent. Daddy sure was surprised. Dex and I were pretty pleased with our ability to plan and execute a surprise.

Mommy's big surprise was that Daddy and Dex actually fit in that thing!

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